
How to use 120 system pinhole cameras (6x6, 6x9, 6x12, 6x18)
(use 4x5 pinhole camera please move to "How to take a photograph" below )

Recently I've found out that many my customers have never used 120 system camera.

So, I wrote this article to show you how to use my pinhole camera.
This article is about 120 system camera, please check this link for 135 camera



135的裝片方法請看 ,拍攝方法與本篇的120相同

示範相機為2014年的新版6x6相機 Presentation with 2014 new version 6x6 camera

Make sure the shutter is closed before you load the film.

2. 從相機底部打開後背板~ Remove the camera back from the bottom.

3. 將新底片的片頭放入空片軸!! Insert the film paper into the spool.

4. 轉空片軸幾圈, 讓底片緊緊地固定在空片軸上!
Spool the film a couple of turns of the take up knob.

5. 空片軸放置在左邊底片槽, 新底片放置於右邊的底片槽!
  Put the spool on the left side, and the new film on the right side.


6. 拉起過片旋鈕, 固定空片軸; 拉起底片固定鈕, 固定新底片
Pull up the knobs to set up the takeup spool and the new film.

7. 輕輕轉動過片旋鈕至箭頭出現至磁鐵處
Gently turn the spool knob till the arrow shows up and points to the magnet.

8. 蓋上後背蓋, 旋轉過片鈕至數字1出現在背蓋的紅窗! 就可以開始拍攝了!!
Replace the camera back, and turn the spool knob till the number shows up in the red window.

9. 請注意快門旋鈕的旋轉方向~ 不要轉錯了! 會壞掉!!
To open the shutter, please follow the direction. Otherwise it might be broken.
The dot on the knob to show you the position of the shutter.


如何拍攝How to take a photograph
在這裡, 將有四組不同距離的拍攝, 讓你瞭解距離的遠近拿捏!
In here, I am ganna show you the 4 distance from camera to the subject, then You can understand how to decide the distance to your subject.

1. 首先~對準拍攝主題測光, 在此範例, 我們得到的EV值為14
    沒有測光表的朋友們, 也可以透過智慧型手機下載light meter的APP~有些還不用錢!!
    也可以透過數位相機的光圈先決功能來得到相對的快門值, 在此光圈F8時, 快門值為1/125
    智慧型手機下載light meter的APP測光軟體教學
First, use the light meter to make sure the EV number of the subject. In the sample we got EV14.
If you do not have a light meter, you might be able to download an APP for your smart phone.
You also can use your digital camera to get an exposure information.

2. 參考曝光表, EV14 (數位相機測光時, 光圈F8時, 快門值為1/250)的曝光時間為1秒~
Look at the easy exposure timetable, the time for pinhole camera is 1 second when the EV is 14.
(When you using digital camera to get your EV number. set it on F8, you will get 1/250 for EV14)

3. 架好相機, 假想相機的視角, 決定相機離主題的遠近(在這裡相機離主題物只有約15公分), 然後開啟快門1秒!
Set up your pinhole camera, imagining the angle of view, and then decide the distance of your subject.
In this case, the camera is about 15cm to the subject.
When everything is set, open the shutter for 2 seconds.

拍攝成果!!!! Result

4. 50cm

 拍攝成果!!!! Result


4. 100cm

拍攝成果!!!! Result

6. 200cm


最後一張拍攝完畢後, 旋轉過片旋鈕至所有的底片都捲進左邊片室後
即可將背板打開, 將底片黏好! 就可以送到相館沖片+底掃了!!


也有影片可以看喔! 裝底片的另一種方式。There's a video also shows how to load a film in different way.

    創作者 傑瑞叔叔 的頭像


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